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SOCIAL STUDIES: MAURICE HARRIS // Artist + Owner of Bloome & plume

I remember seeing this beautiful human moving in the most amazing ways many years ago at Ryan Heffington's Sweat Spot. And over the years, saying hello in passing and being in total awe of Maurice's energy and aura. Each time our paths crossed , I knew I was face to face with a true Icon at every interaction.  Maurice is an artist in the truest form, from body movement, to flowers as medium, to words flowing, and ASMR video recording.  Not to mention their community driven organization and service via my favorite coffee shop in LA ( and next door flower shop ) Bloom & Plume.  If I ever ask myself if I am doing enough, It may be because I look at someone like Maurice who is doing It all, with grace, extreme style, and love.  

Who are you?
Maurice Harris, Artist, Florist, Business Owner

Describe how you’ve been feeling lately in a few words.
Overwhelmed. Troubled. Sad. A new chapter of depression with a dash of optimism. But don't worry. I'm taking care of myself.

What do you believe in?
I believe that we are more connected than not and I believe that there are things outside of ourselves that keep us connected in spite of us not wanting to acknowledge them. I believe that our intuitions are more true than our intellect. I believe that the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.

Name one thing you say no to? 
Half baked ideas.

Why do you make your work?
To forward the conversation around black freedom.

What change would you like to see?
True freedom and equality for black people. Having the playing field be truly evened out.

Name one thing that makes you happy.
My new puppy, Latrice.

What is your favorite resource circulating around these days?
My sister, Jasolyn Harris. You can join her weekly Meditations for the People over zoom.

What do you do to feel most connected to yourself?
I surround myself with people that I love and who love me for who I am.

Do you have any favorite forms of self-care?
Before COVID I went to the spa probably once a week to steam, sweat it out and decompress. Now I try to spend as much time as I can alone and in nature to feed my soul.

Name someone who has been influential in your life and describe how.
My little brother, Moses. He challenges me to be a better person everyday but does it with grace and love and is the best business partner that I could ask for.

Can you remember one solid piece of advice you've gotten for the growth of your work?
Take the time it takes so it takes less time. There is no short cut to excellence. You have to put in your 10,000 hours and know that if you keep working at something it will evolve. Lean in to your process.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?
Nick Cave.

Who are some people in culture that you feel are making a positive and inspiring change?
The BLM organizers, Trevor Noah, and other black creatives that are radically being themselves.


- Any links you'd like attached for people to find you?

@bloomandplume. @bloomandplumecoffee.


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