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Social Studies : Lauren Ruth Ward // Artist + Musician

Healing + community is at the center of why Lauren Ruth Ward makes art. From touring as a live musician to finding inspiration in her surroundings and relationships, everything is connected to a bigger picture through expression. Lauren shows us that creativity is not just a physical practice or state of mind, but a lifestyle that is meant to be explored, enjoyed and most of all, shared with others. Read a little more below on how Lauren uses her everyday living as poetry. 

Who are you?
My name is Lauren Ruth Ward. I am an artist. 

Why do you make your work?
I create to heal. Writing and singing my songs has always been cathartic. Naturally when I was younger, I wrote songs/poems only when I needed to. The first time someone told me one of my songs healed them, I started taking my music seriously. I felt a responsibility to share my trauma in hopes to help others not feel alone.

What do you believe in?
I believe in a lot. I believe in constant evolution, equality, sisterhood, brotherhood, unity, community... Relationships that lift you up and make you love yourself more.

Name one thing you say no to? 
Being pressured. Even if it's something I know I'm going to do. I enjoy figuring things out in my own time. I hate being pressured. And I hate pressuring others so I often need help asking for help.

And one thing you say yes to?
Creating art with a friend in any capacity.

What change would you like to see?
Elizabeth Warren as President.

Name one thing that makes you happy?
Pictures from my sister of my niece and nephew playing dress-up, kissing my delicious dog, and doing anything with my fiancé.

How would you describe your personal routine ?
I don't really have one. I guess I do everything in moderation only because I like to do a lot and there aren't enough hours in the day (I sound like my mother lol). Things I like to do only when nature calls me to: paint, smoke weed, color my hair, stretch, make music, go out dancing, host parties, do photo shoots, coffee date, cook meals, do admin work for hours at a time on my computer, edit photos, sell vintage, buy vintage, sew vintage, and go on hikes. I think the only consistent thing I do is feed my dog and brush my teeth. I've been a hairstylist for 10 years so some weeks I am consistently working with clients in the morning into day and other weeks I'm solely focusing on my music; writing lyrics on my porch while Ed plays guitar then we demo at his house. Repeat. Almost every other month I'll visit my partner on tour. She tours a lot in Europe/UK. When I visit her I bring my cameras and loads of film to capture her magic and all the support around her. It is most inspiring. When I'm on tour, I am very regimented: wake up, send out day sheet, get coffee, drive band to XYZ, gas/food/etc. (ALWAYS jumprope at gas station), start vocal warmups, load in, set up merch, eat?, watch opener if I'm headlining, do more vocal warm ups, stretch, play show, watch headliner if I'm opening, go to merch to meet fans, settle up, load out, drive to hotel/air bnb, wash up, steam my voice, go thru tomorrow's day sheet with band, and do it all over again. Tour is when my real Scorpio Virgo Virgo-ness shines : )

What did you want to be as a child?
In elementary school I remember I wanted to be an either art teacher or an actress.

Can you remember one solid piece of advice you've gotten for the growth of your work?
There is enough to go around forever everybody. - Kimi Recor (Play Like A GirlDraemings, KEVIN)

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?
SZA, Jack White, Jim Morrison's Ghost.

Who is one person in culture that you feel is making positive and inspiring change?
I mean I think any artist whose art reflects what they've been through is a positive thing. Being able to identify and feel understood by another person is happiness to me. Feeling alone or worst, unsupported is the worst feeling.

Any links you'd like attached for people to find you?
I mainly use IG to communicate  (@laurenruthward). My website is good for tour dates, current music videos and my lyrics:


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